Katipunan Pilipino Student Organization
September 28, 2024
University of California, Riverside
We, the members of Katipunan (Pilipino Student Organization) at the University of California, Riverside, in order to advance the awareness and development of both the Pilipino and Pilipino-American culture through cultural, educational, communal, and social means, with the cooperation of administration, faculty, and students, do approve and establish this Constitution.
Katipunan Pilipino Student Organization
The official name of this organization shall be Katipunan (Pilipino Student Organization) at the University of California, Riverside and may be referred to as Katipunan for the remainder of this Constitution.
Purpose of organization
Section 1: Purpose of the Constitution
To list and define the responsibilities of the Cabinet and its members.
Section 2: Purpose of the Organization
To further and attain the goals outlined in the Preamble.
To encourage and support students in the pursuit through the following: culture, academics, community, and social aspects.
Membership practice
Active membership of this student organization shall be chosen without discrimination on the basis of race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, color, disability, national origin, age, or marital status, except in cases of fraternity and sorority organization which are exempt by federal law from Title IX regulations concerning discrimination on the basis of sex. Active membership should also be composed of at least 50% UCR Students (undergraduate or graduate).
A. Eligibility for Membership
Katipunan is all-inclusive. Membership is open to students and non-students regardless of race, ethnicity, color, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, religion, ability, age, school, and political affiliation. All who pay the designated yearly dues are official Katipunan members and are encouraged to promote the organization’s well-being and spirit.
B. Categories of Membership
The categories of membership are as follows:
Active Members: Students who are paid members. Active members can vote in elections and other group matters, can run for officer positions, and can propose amendments.
Inactive Members: Members who do not fit or fulfill the above definition of “Active Members.”
C. Removal of members
Members can be removed from the organization for the following reasons: Making Racist or discriminatory comments, breaking Federal, State, Local, or University Law.
Members of Katipunan are expected to adhere strictly to a zero tolerance policy to all forms of sexual assault and sexual harassment. Any instances of sexual assault/sexual harassment that is brought to the attention of the Katipunan cabinet shall be investigated and will result in revokement of membership for the individual who has perpetrated the act. No refund shall be given for any membership dues paid. Necessary officials shall also be notified, including but not limited to the Title IX office at UCR.
All Active Members have the ability to request the removal of another member. Any Active Member who wishes to have another member removed must present their reasoning in writing to the executive board through an email/electronic or hard copy documentation. Once the complaint/request is brought to the executive board, the following process must take place:
Charges or complaint brought against an individual
Evidence to support complaint is presented
Individual given an opportunity to argue a defense and offer counter evidence
Vote is taken by the executive board
A Majority vote will result in the removal of the member in question
Appeal process for the decision made by vote. Only one level of appeal is required.
A. List of officers
The Cabinet shall be members and any registered UCR students (Undergraduate or Graduate) for the academic year with discretion of Executive Cabinet if issues may arise. The Executive Cabinet consists of the President, External Vice-President, Internal Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary. The General Cabinet consists of the Cultural and Community Advocacy Chairperson, Historian(s), Public Relations Chairperson(s), Social Activities Chairperson(s), Academics Chairperson, Athletics Coordinator, Alumni Liaison, Outreach Director, PACN Coordinator, Apprentice Advisor, and Katipunan Apprentices.
Katipunan Apprentices are not limited to the instruction of the Apprentice Advisor.
The term of office shall be from the end of the preceding academic year to the end of the following academic year. Cabinet members are responsible for advising current and newly inducted cabinet members in their respective positions.
Cabinet members shall also carry out the duties for each quarter depending on the sufficient funds allotted.
All spending of the organization’s funds shall be pre-approved by the President and the Treasurer.
Cabinet members shall be responsible to uphold the ideals of the organization.
Cabinet shall be responsible to support and assist other cabinet members when necessary.
There shall be a maximum cap to times a member shall run for a Cabinet Position within the academic school year.
The cap shall be set at two under the discretion of the Executive Cabinet.
This cap shall include General Cabinet positions and any vacant cabinet positions made available.
The cap shall be set at one for Executive Cabinet positions.
Shall be responsible for attending (1) internal and (2) external events per quarter.
Events will be approved under the discretion of the Internal Vice President and External Vice President, respectively.
Appointments: Cabinet Positions
1. Katipunan Apprentices shall be appointed by the Cabinet during the Fall Quarter.
2. Under the discretion of Cabinet, vacant cabinet positions may be filled.
a. Procedure for appointment will be determined by the Executive Cabinet and shall be conducted in accordance to guidelines mentioned in Article VII.
3. The term shall be from the point of appointment to the end of the current academic year.
Appointments: Special Positions
1. Special Positions may be created at the discretion of the Cabinet and mediated by the President if need be. (PACN Board, Outreach Board,...)
2. The duties of Special Positions shall be under the discretion of the current Cabinet. Special Positions shall abide by the aforementioned rules.
3. The term shall be from the point of appointment to the end of the current academic year.
4. Special Positions shall be appointed by designated Cabinet members
Appointment does not require a general member vote
NOTES: At minimum, there must be a primary officer (president), a secondary officer (vice president), and a treasurer. Your organization should not be composed mostly of officers. Officers should not comprise more than 30% of your membership (exception: newly registered student organizations that only have 5 members).
B. General Duties and Responsibilities of Officers
The President’s duties include:
Shall be the official representative of Katipunan.
Shall preside over all meetings of the organization unless otherwise stated.
May delegate responsibility to a chosen representative regarding Katipunan concerns.
Shall be an authorized signature on all official organization documents with the exception of organization financial documents where the Treasurer’s signature is also needed.
Shall be responsible for preparing an agenda for each cabinet meeting.
Shall be responsible for overseeing all of the duties of each cabinet member.
The External Vice President’s duties include:
In conjunction with the Internal Vice-President, shall carry out the duties of the President in their absence.
Shall be the official representative for Katipunan in intercollegiate functions and any other collegiate Pilipino associations.
Shall be responsible for the development and encouragement of external philanthropic affairs.
Shall be responsible for keeping a list or a directory of intercollegiate organizations or affiliates available to the organization so that networking will be more efficient in creating and maintaining the intercollegiate networks.
Shall be responsible for communication with external intercollegiate organizations and affiliates through monthly announcements.
The Internal Vice President’s duties include:
In conjunction with the External Vice-President, shall carry out the duties of the President in their absence.
Shall be an official representative in any intra-campus coalitions, alliances, and/or councils that which Katipunan is a member of and officially affiliated.
Shall participate in APISAC meetings and events as a representative of Katipunan.
Shall be responsible for the development and maintenance of relations with intra-campus organizations.
Shall be responsible for the development and encouragement of intra-campus philanthropic affairs.
Shall be responsible for keeping a list or a directory of intra-campus organizations or affiliates available to the organizations so that networking will be more efficient.
Shall be responsible for scheduling and maintaining on-campus facilities for all events and activities.
Room requests must be approved by the Internal Vice President at least three weeks before the event in conjunction with the budget reports for the Treasurer if the event is on campus.
The Treasurer’s duties include:
Shall keep a permanent record for all financial transactions of the organization and shall submit a report upon request.
Shall make relevant financial records accessible to general members.
Financial records include but are not limited to: dues, donations, fundraisers, and a breakdown of expenses with regards to events.
In conjunction with all of the executive cabinet, shall be the only authorized signatory on all official organization financial documents.
Must obtain money requisitions and reports of all money transactions for organization events and activities.
Shall be responsible for the collection of all monetary transactions.
Shall be responsible for overseeing and advising all fundraising events within the organization.
Budgets must be approved by the Treasurer one cabinet meeting before the event under the discretion of the Treasurer and President.
The Secretary’s Responsibilities include:
Shall keep a permanent record of the proceedings of all Cabinet communications.
Shall be responsible for sending the minutes to those who are missing for a meeting, and consequently request the verification from those that are absent.
Shall keep a permanent record of all important legislation passed by the Cabinet, documents, and any important papers.
Shall handle all necessary incoming and outgoing mail.
Shall maintain a record of all forms and documents used for all organization events and activities.
Shall handle documentation of cabinet attendance regarding all Katipunan events.
Attendance shall be overseen along with the executive cabinet.
Shall maintain a current directory of all current members in conjunction with the Treasurer.
Shall maintain a master record for all organization events and activities
Shall be responsible for the distribution of bi-weekly announcements and any other organizational updates.
All above documentation in occurrence with the executive cabinet and all cabinet meetings shall only be accessible to cabinet members.
Shall be responsible for conducting the evaluation of cabinet and events.
The Cultural and Community Advocacy Chairperson’s Responsibilities include:
Shall maintain relations and coordinate activities with organizations that are community-based and also organizations that organize community-oriented events.
Shall educate and provide resources to the members of Katipunan on issues regarding the community on a local, national, and global level.
Shall, in conjunction with the External Vice-President and Internal Vice-President, be responsible for the development and encouragement of all philanthropic and political affairs.
Shall, in conjunction with General Cabinet, educate and provide Pilipino cultural awareness to the UCR campus and community.
Shall be responsible for the education of different communities within the Philippines and Philippine Diaspora (ie. Indigenous, LGBTQ+, Mixed)
Shall promote and further advance the celebration of Filipino American History Month on campus.
Shall develop and maintain relationships with external and internal organizations who have been deemed as resources for educating topics related to our Culture.
In conjunction with the PACN coordinator, shall create and maintain all files of all cultural events throughout the year.
Shall organize and mediate cultural education workshops for PACN.
The Historian(s)’ Responsibilities include:
Shall be responsible for promoting and documenting the history of the organization and all related histories of the Pilipino culture in conjunction with the Cultural and Community Advocacy Chairperson.
Shall be responsible for recording and maintaining all history-related materials at all scheduled organization events and activities.
Shall be responsible for taking photographs and/or videotaping of all events and activities.
Shall be responsible for providing a record of the year’s organization events and activities in conjunction with the Secretary.
Shall be responsible for maintaining the organization’s website(s) and, in conjunction with the Public Relations Chairperson(s), are responsible for maintaining other related media i.e. Twitter, Instagram, Facebook.
Shall be responsible for maintaining the Historian Instagram.
The Public Relations Chairperson(s)’ Responsibilities include:
Shall be responsible for the promotion and advertisements of all organization events and activities i.e. tabling.
Shall be responsible for maintaining the organization’s website(s) and, in conjunction with the Historian(s), are responsible for maintaining other related social media i.e. Twitter, Instagram, Facebook.
Shall, in conjunction with the Athletics Coordinator, and/or any other relevant Cabinet Members, manage the Katipunan Discord.
Infographic requests made by Cabinet Members must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the event’s requested promotional date.
In conjunction with the Treasurer, shall be responsible for the creation and overseeing of Katipunan merchandise.
Submission requests must be put in two months in advance.
The Social Activities Chairperson(s)’ Responsibilities include:
Shall be responsible for overseeing all social events, both internally and externally in conjunction with the Internal Vice President and External Vice President.
Shall, in conjunction with the Athletics Coordinator for athletic matters, be responsible for overseeing all aspects necessary for the organization’s participation in the annual external event of Friendship Games.
Shall be the chairperson(s) of the Annual Induction Banquet.
Shall, in conjunction with the Public Relations Chairperson(s) and Historian(s), work in the promotion and advertisements of organization events and activities.
Shall organize and oversee the Mentorship Program within Katipunan.
Pairings ultimately fall under the discretion of the Social Activities Chairperson(s).
Shall be responsible for managing the UCR Katipunan Social Chairs social media (i.e. Instagram)
The Academics Chairperson’s Responsibilities include:
Shall be responsible for the development, encouragement, and recognition of academic affairs, and scholastic achievements.
Shall in conjunction with the Alumni Liaison, be responsible for the professional development of members.
Shall provide awareness of on-campus resources related to career and academic development.
Shall be the chairperson of the Annual Pilipino Graduation Ceremony.
Shall be responsible for maintaining academic accountability within the organization through Katipunan Honors Society.
In conjunction with the Treasurer, shall be responsible for managing and ordering stoles.
Shall be responsible for encouraging the organization’s academic integrity.
Shall be responsible, with complete confidentiality, of cabinet members’ academic standing.
Shall check-in once every quarter regarding academic well-being.
Shall be responsible for organizing and overseeing Brain Games held in the Winter Quarter.
The Athletics Coordinator’s Responsibilities include:
Shall be responsible for the formation of the official team rosters in both internal and external sports and competitions.
Shall be responsible for advising student wellness and health.
Shall represent all team sports as the team captain unless otherwise designated by them.
Shall serve as the representative in overseeing all Katipunan-affiliated athletic events, e-sports events, and sports teams.
Shall be responsible for overseeing the athletic resources (i.e. Friendship Games equipment).
Shall, in conjunction with the Public Relations Chairperson(s), and/or any other relevant Cabinet Members, manage the Katipunan Discord.
Shall, in conjunction with the Social Chairperson(s), be responsible for overseeing all athletic aspects necessary for the organization’s participation in the annual external event of Friendship Games.
The Alumni Liaison’s Responsibilities include:
Shall be responsible for serving as the liaison and maintain relationships between members of the organization and its alumni.
Shall be responsible for coordinating events, programs, and activities with its members and alumni network. (ie. Alumni Conference)
In conjunction with other cabinet members, host Alumni nights for respective events.
Shall be responsible for maintenance of an Alumni Database.
Shall, in conjunction with the Academics Chairperson, be responsible for the professional development of members.
Shall be responsible for managing Alumni social media. (i.e. Alumni Facebook Page)
The Outreach Director’s Responsibilities include:
Shall be the official director of all student-initiated outreach efforts promoting youth empowerment and higher education administered by the organization.
Shall be the chairperson of the annual Katipunan Experience.
Shall maintain a line of communication with the Internal Vice President to reserve rooms and Dining to cater the annual Katipunan Experience.
Shall prepare budget reports including, but not limited to, how funds are spent and who benefited from outreach efforts, in conjunction with Treasurer.
Shall maintain a relationship among other student-initiated outreach efforts promoting youth empowerment and higher education administered by internal and external campus organizations.
Shall organize and maintain the Youth Empowerment for Success (YES) Project Mentorship Program.
Shall be responsible for conducting interviews and appointing an Outreach Board.
The PACN Coordinator’s Responsibilities include:
Shall organize and oversee the whole Pilipino-American Culture Night (PACN) production in conjunction with the PACN Directors.
Shall be responsible for conducting interviews and appointing two PACN Directors
In conjunction with the PACN Directors, shall conduct interviews and appoint PACN Board.
In conjunction with the PACN Directors and PAC-tern Advisor and/or any relevant PACN board member/s shall organize and oversee the PAC-tern program.
Shall be the mediator between PACN Board and Cabinet.
Shall be in charge of one sector of PACN. (i.e. Dance, Financial, Creative)
In conjunction with the Cultural and Community Advocacy Chair, shall discuss collaborative opportunities and ensure cultural accuracy with PACN’s production.
In conjunction with the PACN directors, shall be responsible for securing storage and distributing the culturally inspired attire, props, and PACN materials.
In conjunction with the PACN directors, shall be responsible for securing a venue for PACN.
In conjunction with the PACN directors, shall be responsible for maintaining and overseeing the PACN Instagram and all relevant social media platforms.
The Apprentice Advisor’s Responsibilities include:
Shall be responsible for overseeing and advising the duties and responsibilities of Katipunan Apprentices.
Shall conduct the Apprentice Interview and selection process.
The Apprentice Advisor makes the final verdict on the selection of apprentices.
Shall serve as the primary individual to support the leadership development of the Katipunan apprentices within the Apprenticeship program.
Shall be responsible to schedule rotational shadowing cycles to Katipunan Apprentices every two weeks in conjunction with Cabinet Members.
Shall be responsible for facilitating one-on-one check-ins during the Fall, Winter, and Spring Quarter with the Katipunan Apprentices.
The Katipunan Apprentices’ Responsibilities include:
Shall be responsible to support and to assist other cabinet members when necessary.
Shall be responsible for shadowing cabinet members every two weeks.
Shall be under the supervision, but not limited to the instruction, of the Apprentice Advisor.
Shall be responsible for the creation of at least one event during Winter and Spring Quarter.
Shall be responsible for participating in one-on-one check-ins during the Fall, Winter, and Spring Quarter with the Apprentice Advisor.
C. Qualifications for Becoming an Officer
To be eligible to become an officer in this organization, potential candidates must be Active Members as outlined in Article III Section B.
D. Terms of office
Every officer position will last ONE academic year.
E. Procedure for filling vacated offices
When a position is vacated, it is under the discretion of the newly elected executive board to appoint someone through an application/interview process to fill the position.
F. Procedure for removal of officers
Section 1: Enactment of the By-Laws
By-Laws must be enacted by a majority vote of the Cabinet.
Section 2: Recall of a Cabinet Member
1. Any Cabinet Member who neglects any of their major responsibilities or fails to fulfill them shall be recalled from their position by Cabinet.
2. Process of recalling a Cabinet Member:
1. Executive Cabinet should advise the Cabinet Member that they are failing their duties. This constitutes the first warning.
2. If a second verbal warning is warranted, the Cabinet Member shall be placed on probation. Executive Cabinet will withhold the voting rights of the Cabinet Member and review their case.
3. After a two week probation period, the Cabinet shall notify the Cabinet Member whether they shall continue in their office or whether they shall resign at the next Cabinet meeting.
4. All resignations must be formally typed, announced in the presence of organization leaders, signed in accordance with final examinations by the Cabinet, and soon after placed on file.
A. Quorum
A quorum defines the minimum number of members that must be present in order to vote and make decisions for the group. The quorum for this organization is 50% of the Active members plus ONE more Active Member (50%+1 of the Active Members).
Section 1. First Meeting
The first cabinet meeting date of the next academic year shall be decided at the discretion of the newly elected Executive Cabinet members.
Section 2. Regularity
1. The Cabinet shall hold weekly meetings unless otherwise specified.
2. All Cabinet meetings shall be closed to the general public.
a. The beginning of cabinet meetings including the review of past events, up until the Cabinet Member reports.
i. The General public must leave before the Cabinet reports begin.
3. All members of the Cabinet must attend all meetings unless a reasonable excuse is presented to the Secretary twenty-four hours prior to the scheduled meeting concerning absence.
a. A reasonable excuse must be presented regarding tardiness within six hours prior to the scheduled meeting.
i. A reasonable excuse is determined by the discretion of the Secretary.
4. All the proceedings shall be carried out under respectable procedures.
5. All the proceedings shall be kept under strict confidentiality during closed sessions.
6. Cabinet meetings shall only be held if the quorum is met.
Section 3. Organization Governmental Authority
1. The governmental authority of the organization shall be vested in the Cabinet.
2. The Cabinet and organization members shall have the authority to contribute input regarding organizational concerns.
3. The Cabinet shall have the power to enforce all laws passed by the majority vote. The quorum shall be the majority of the Cabinet.
4. The cabinet members must vote regarding Katipunan concerns.
5. The positions of External Vice-President and Internal Vice-President shall serve and be seen as equals.
D. Meeting minutes and records
It shall be the responsibility of the secretary to take meeting minutes and keep related records of all meetings (including special and emergency meetings). Meeting Minutes and other records are vital for an organization’s success. Election results, impeachment of an officer, approval of a budget or expense, and passing of an amendment are just a few of the important items that meeting minutes are used to validate/verify. Additions and corrections are to be made at this time and a final approval of the minutes must be made. For cabinet members who are absent to the meeting, it is their responsibility to read the previous meeting minutes.
A. Times and period when elections occur
In one general meeting, elections for the Executive Cabinet (President, External Vice-President, Internal Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary) shall proceed in the following order during the academic Winter term: Secretary, Treasurer, Internal Vice-President, External Vice-President, and President. For General Cabinet positions, nominations will occur during Spring Quarter.
B. Nominations
Only active members are eligible for nomination. Any member can nominate another active member. Any active member can also self-nominate themselves, but must be seconded by another member.
Nominations shall be open to the general membership two weeks prior to the respective application deadline. Nominations shall remain open to general membership for one week. To be considered an official candidate, the nominee must be a fully paid member. After the one week nomination period, nominations will be closed and all the nominees will be notified.
C. Notification and posting of elections
1. Newly Elected Executive Cabinet must notify the newly selected cabinet members within one week after the Interview Day.
a. Notification of the newly selected cabinet members shall occur at the discretion of the newly elected Executive Cabinet.
2. Any newly appointed cabinet member can only hold one Cabinet position at one time unless the current cabinet deems it necessary under unforeseen circumstances.
3. All relinquishing and newly appointed Cabinet members must be present at the Annual Induction Banquet under the discretion of the current Cabinet.
D. Election procedures
Executive Cabinet
Elections Committee:
1. Shall be organized by the current Executive Cabinet.
a. Executive Cabinet is responsible for counting ballots during elections.
i. Participation in vote counting will automatically void their vote
b. Shall count all ballots for each position individually. In order for results to be valid, obtained counts must be identical.
2. Shall attend all days of the stated elections process.
3. Shall assign a pre-approved time limit for speeches, questions, and answers.
4. Shall pre-approve the number of questions that each candidate must answer as suggested by the membership throughout the elections process.
5. Shall pre-approve any audio and/or visual aids that will be used by the candidate on their respective day of election.
6. Shall enforce all of the rules that are outlined in Article VII.
7. All votes must first satisfy the quorum before an official election.
1. Nominations shall be conducted one general meeting prior to the respective elections.
2. Members nominated must submit an application for the position they wish to run for.
a. The content of the application will be created by the current Executive Cabinet.
b. Applications shall require fifty signatures of general members to show the support of
the applicant. If complications arise, the Executive cabinet will have discretion.
i. For a signature to be considered valid, the signer must be a fully paid member.
c. Candidates must submit in their application a description of their platform to be shared
to the rest of the organization prior to election day.
3. Applications must be received by the Cabinet prior to the respective elections. Once received, the applicant becomes an official candidate for the Cabinet position declared in their application.
4. Applications are considered active once received by the current Cabinet and remain active until the respective election day unless conceded by the applicant at any time prior to that day.
5. Members may only have one active application for one Executive Cabinet position at any given period.
6. Only official and paid candidates are allowed to run for the Cabinet position for which they have applied.
7. President applicants must have prior cabinet experience with the discretion of the current Executive Cabinet if issues may arise.
Elections Regulations:
1. Official candidates for any office must be present at the designated elections meeting with the discretion of the current Cabinet if issues may arise.
2. Each candidate is only allowed to present promotional material, such as personal presentations, that has been previously approved by the Elections Committee prior to the election day.
3. No materials shall be distributed by any candidate to individuals on the day of their respective election.
4. Any slander among candidates is not tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, anything posted on social media.
5. There will be strict enforcement of a time limit for speeches, questions, and answers as directed by the Elections Committee.
6. Each candidate shall abide by the guidelines set forth by the Elections Committee and shall respect these guidelines and the Constitution.
7. A violation of any parts of this Constitution and elections guidelines shall call for an immediate disqualification of the candidate.
Elections Procedure:
1. All elections shall be held by secret ballots unless otherwise stated.
a. In the case of multiple candidates, a ⅔ majority of the votes is needed to be declared
2. If there is no ⅔ majority vote, a re-vote shall be casted at the time of elections. If the re-vote does not reflect ⅔ majority of the votes, the candidate with the most number of votes shall be elected. In the event of a tiebreaker, the newly-elected executive cabinet will decide under the guidance of the current executive cabinet.
3. In the case when there is only one candidate for a Cabinet position, a ⅔ majority of the votes is needed to be declared elected.
a. If there is no ⅔ majority vote, a re-vote shall be casted at the time of elections. If the re-vote does not reflect ⅔ majority of the votes, the candidate will not be elected.
4. Any newly elected Cabinet member can only hold one Cabinet position at one time.
5. Any newly elected Cabinet member may concede their election at any time prior to their induction thereby conceding their official candidacy for any other cabinet positions thereafter; after which, the vacant position shall be filled in accordance with Article V.
6. All elections shall be conducted in accordance with Article VIII.
7. All previous and newly elected Cabinet members must be present at the Annual Induction Banquet under the discretion of the current Cabinet.
General Cabinet
NOTE: The newly elected Executive Cabinet shall remove and/or add a General Cabinet position when deemed necessary.
Members who were nominated can choose whether or not to apply for the position(s) they were nominated for.
Nominees have one week after being notified to turn in their application.
Applications shall require fifty signatures of general members to show the support of the applicant. The new Executive cabinet has discretion if problems arise.
a. For a signature to be considered valid, the signer must be a fully paid member.Candidates must submit in their application a description of their platform to be shared to the rest of the organization prior to election day.
Applicants can apply for one to two positions. No more than two positions are permitted.
Applications must be turned in before the respective application deadline. Any late applications will be discarded unless otherwise stated under the discretion of the Executive Cabinet.
1. Nominees must record a video that is approved by the Executive Cabinet.
2. Election videos will be released throughout an election week.
a. Positions released per day will be selected under the discretion of the executive
3. Paid general members will have 24 hours to vote on positions released that day.
a. Voting shall consist of casting either a “Confidence,” “No Confidence,” or “Abstain”
vote towards each candidate.
b. Nominees will be able to advance to the Interview Stage after receiving ⅔ majority vote of Confidence.
4. All procedures may be followed but not limited under the discretion of the newly elected Executive Cabinet.
1. Nominees will be subjected to an election process, where the candidates who received ⅔ majority confidence votes from paid general members will proceed to the interviews conducted by the newly elected Executive Cabinet.
2. Group and Individual Interviews shall be held on the same day under the scheduling of the most recently elected Executive Cabinet.
3. Applicants must prepare to answer questions prepared by the Executive Cabinet.
4. Interview Day must be within one month after the respective application deadline.
5. Interview Day shall be set according to the availability of the Newly Elected Executive Cabinet. Newly Elected Executive Cabinet shall notify applicants of this day, ten days in advance.
6. All of the Newly Elected Cabinet shall be present during Interview Day.
a. Incumbent cabinet members may reside over the interview of candidates in their
respective positions.
Selection Regulations:
1. Official applicants for any position must be present during the designated Interview Day with the discretion of the Newly Elected Executive Cabinet if issues may arise.
2. Each candidate is only allowed to present promotional material, such as personal presentations, that has been previously approved by the Elections Committee prior to the election day.
3. Any slander among candidates is not tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, anything posted on social media.
4. Any newly selected Cabinet member may concede their position at any time prior to their induction thereby conceding their official application for any other Cabinet positions thereafter; after which, the vacant position shall be filled in accordance with Article V.
5. There will be strict enforcement of a time limit for speeches, questions, and answers as directed by the Newly Elected Executive Cabinet.
6. Each applicant shall abide by the guidelines set forth by the Newly Elected Executive Cabinet and shall respect these guidelines and the Constitution.
7. A violation of any parts of this Constitution and the selection guidelines shall result in actions determined by the Newly Elected Executive Cabinet.
8. The selection process shall be conducted in accordance with Article VIII.
9. All relinquishing cabinet members may be present during all steps of the selection process.
Financial records
The University shall have the right to audit the financial records of this organization. If the organization will receive funding from Associated Student at UCR (ASUCR) or the Graduate Student Association (GSA), the organization must comply with all funding policies and procedures issued by the funding authority.
A. Dues/membership fees
There will be a yearly due for membership in this organization. The price for the year of 2024-2025 will be $32.
Cabinet Involvement
Organization involvement and/or participation are required from all Cabinet members for all affiliated organization events and activities unless a reasonable excuse is presented to the Secretary twenty-four hours prior to the scheduled meeting concerning absence or six hours prior concerning tardiness.
A. Proposing amendments
1. Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed by the Cabinet and/or organization members and approved according to Article VIII, Section 4.
2. A proposed amendment must be formally submitted to the organization and Cabinet.
B. Amendment Ratification
1. All proposed amendments must be approved by three-fourths majority vote of the Cabinet.
2. If this proposed amendment is approved by three-fourths majority vote by the Cabinet, it must be ratified by three-fourths majority vote of the paid organization members with each member having one vote.
3. Newly Elected Cabinet may amend the constitution under guidelines listed in Article X without formal approval of general membership prior to the upcoming academic school year.
C. Provisions
The Quorum necessary for amendments to the constitution to be voted on shall be no less than 50% +1 of the active members. Amendments to the constitution shall be approved by a 2/3 vote in favor of the amendment. All amendments shall be in agreement with University regulations and policies and are not approved until reviewed by a Student Life official. An updated Constitution must be filed with the Student Life office through the online organization system within one week of adoption. Groups will notify their Organization Advisor in Student Life once the document has been uploaded in the system so that it might be reviewed.
Section 1:
Upon a three-fourths majority vote of the Cabinet and organization members, this constitution and its By-Laws shall be made effective on the given date.
Section 2:
A three-fourths majority vote must be obtained to ratify this Constitution prior to the last day of the academic Fall term.
Section 3:
The Constitution shall be accessible to all members and non-members.